Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Help with my makeup regime: concealer, foundation, powder.?

okay, so i use mac powder concealer. can you use both concealer and foundation? don't they serve the same purpose? also, if you use powder concealer, are you supposed to use powder foundation also? and if you're using foundation, you need to set it with a powder right, so do you have to use translucent powder? can you use concealer and powder only? is there any point to using concealer and tranlucent powder? lol. 17. so confused...Help with my makeup regime: concealer, foundation, powder.?
If your skin is good, jsut use powder. If not, use a touch of foundation and concealer on bad bits, then a light dusting of translucent powder. Powder finishes it all of so you can't see any change in the tone of concealer and foundation.Help with my makeup regime: concealer, foundation, powder.?
haha yea ease up on the warpaint. usually you only need some concealer on your t-zone and under your eyes and you're set. and during the day if you get alil oily use some powder on top of that. you shouldn't really use all that other crazy stuff unless you're doing some photo shoot or you're gonna be onstage. it's really not necessary if your skin isn't bad. concealer and foundation are pretty much the same thing, just use sparingly to cover up wat you need to cover up.
powder concealer from MAC is good-- but you may even want to try the studio f/x liquid for a great cover and color-- to conceal you just put extra liquid wherever you need it-- i use it for dark spots on the cheeks.. As far as powder goes- you may not even need it after you try the liquid studio f/x.. I use a big red- makeup sponge to apply the liquid and i use another sponge with out makeup to touch up periodically. I dont use the powder because i dont want to look overdone-- If you really want good advice--- GO STRAIGHT TO THE MAC STORE-- THEY WILL NEVER STEER YOU WRONG!! May i also suggest using their cleansing system and the primer before doing any type of makeup!!You go gurlll!
the concealer is for covering dark cicrles and things like that and its lighter so it can really cover it completely. After that you should use foundation because if you don't the concealer will stand out and you'll end up with spots all over your face. the powder and concealer could work but then again would it really cover the concealer? Translucent powder is to cover the shiny parts.

So, if you don't have any major things you need to cover individually like dark circles, scars, etc. then lose concealer, and just use the foundation and maybe the powder if your face is shiny or something. :] Good Luck!
Ease up on the warpaint. Most guys prefer a more natural look. And it's too much bother for you.

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